Is used to address specific muscle fibers that cause pain and stiffness, also known as ‘muscle knots’.

Trigger point massage therapy is used to address specific muscle fibers that cause pain and stiffness, also known as ‘muscle knots’. These small, contracted areas can affect performance of the whole muscle and even spread pain to other areas of the body. For example, a trigger point in the neck may cause pain in the head. These trigger points are commonly seen in pain problems such as low back and neck pain.

A therapist will locate the trigger points and determine if their are multiple. Painful trigger points are usually easy to find and allow the therapist to know what areas to focus on. Various finger techniques that apply different amounts of pressure are used to break down the knots. Depending on the size and areas of the trigger points, multiple visits to the therapists may be necessary.

After a trigger point has been removed the toxins from the knotted area are released into the bloodstream. It is important to stay hydrated in order to quickly wash out the toxins. This will also help with muscle soreness.